Welcome to the Chenango Forks CSD Board of Education. We have moved to a one-page model for our site. If you don't see something you are looking for, please keep scrolling. It might have moved! NOTE, all documents pertaining to minutes, agendas and meetings are available on Board Docs

Information and Links
Meet The Board of Education

Jon Scofield
Mr. Scofield was elected by the voters in May of 2022. His term on the board expires June 30, 2027.
Contact: scofieldj@cforks.org

Mary Collins
Board Member
Mrs. Collins was elected by the voters in May of 2015, and re-elected in 2020. Her current term on the board expires June 30, 2025.
Contact: collinsm@cforks.org

Brian Aukema
Board Member
Mr. Aukema was elected by voters in May 2023. His term on the board expires June 30, 2028.
Contact: aukemab@cforks.org

Lynn Lockwood
Vice President
Ms. Lockwood was elected by the voters in May of 2024. . Her term on the board expires June 30, 2029.
Contact: lockwoodl@cforks.org

Christine Webb
Board Member
Mrs. Webb was elected by the voters in May 2021. Her term on the board expires June 30, 2026.
Contact: webbc@cforks.org

Want to Join The Board?
Check out this article from NYSSBA:
About the Board of Education
The Chenango Forks Central School District is governed by a five (5) member School Board.
School Board Members volunteer their time to represent the community for a term of five (5) years.
Any US citizen who is a resident of the Chenango Forks School District and 18 years of age can serve as a Board of Education Member by being elected.
The process starts by obtaining a nomination petition. Please contact the district clerk to obtain a form.
The School Board is a policy making, planning and appraisal body.