
Hello Chenango Forks Families,

As we approach the end of the first full week of school, I would like to thank our educational staff for going above and beyond to welcome our students (your children) back to school with such enthusiasm and optimism for a great year.  I would also like to express my appreciation to the many family members who took advantage of the orientations and open house events to build strong relationships and partnerships in your child(ren)’s education.  Your involvement has been inspiring! 

In looking forward to the 2023-2024 school year, our plan is to continue to communicate with you frequently on events and school priorities.  One major way is to continue our “Chenango Forks Updates.” This is a quick monthly newsletter that includes a message from each building principal, key dates for that month, and some celebrations of our students enjoying school.

Also, as the school year begins, I would like to add a plug for the CF Dollars for Scholars program.  This is a nonprofit program that exists solely to raise money for a variety of scholarships for our graduating seniors.  We feel that it is important to provide as many opportunities as we can for our graduating seniors and help them transition to their next stage in life.  If you are interested in getting involved or would like to know more about some of the great fundraising events, they will be putting on this year, please contact Kerri Vail our Dollars for Scholars President or the High School main office.

Please enjoy this month’s update and thank you for supporting #ForksNation!

Click Here For The Newsletter


Tom Burkhardt, Superintendent